Original Resolution: 1058x529 The Best Harry Potter Fan Theories Business Insider Hey, i read that avada kedavra is aramaic and means: 200x200 - > there was a flash of blinding green light and a rushing sound, as though a vast, invisible something was soaring through the air — instantaneously the spider rolled over onto its back, unmarked, but unmistakably dead —description of the killing.
Original Resolution: 200x200 Why Did J K Rowling Choose Avada Kedavra Which Sounds So Similar To Abracadabra Quora Abracadabra literally means i will create as i speak.avada kedavra literally means i will destroy as i speak.so they are opposites of each other. 200x200 - Historical sketches of witchcraft in england and scotland william henry davenport adams new york:
Original Resolution: 200x200 Why Did J K Rowling Choose Avada Kedavra Which Sounds So Similar To Abracadabra Quora Granted, over time the pronunciation became bastardized from avada kedavra to abra kadabra, but i think it's one of the few things that stuck among muggle culture since the statute of secrecy.