Original Resolution: 623x455 Toei Animation Anime Amino In the future, ikki sawamura is a super human alien from another galaxy, sent to earth as an infant and raised in the mountains of hokkaido by an elderly when his girlfriend dumps him to become a star, ikkiman heads to tokyo, vowing to become the most famous star ever! 225x318 - In the future, ikki sawamura is a super human alien from another galaxy, sent to earth as an infant and raised in the mountains of hokkaido by an elderly when his girlfriend dumps him to become a star, ikkiman heads to tokyo, vowing to become the most famous star ever!
Original Resolution: 225x318 Toei Animation Anime Producer Page 6 Myanimelist Net In the future, ikki sawamura is a super human alien from another galaxy, sent to earth as an infant and raised in the mountains of hokkaido by an elderly when his girlfriend dumps him to become a star, ikkiman heads to tokyo, vowing to become the most famous star ever!